gut und böse

was macht menschen böse? gibt es werte, die uns alle einen? was ist gut, was böse? diese beiden videos regen auf jeden fall zum nachdenken an. ich wünsche gute unterhaltung.

danke an lkm für den hinweis auf das zweite video.

4 Antworten auf „gut und böse“

  1. gute Menschen …
    und kennst du einen Menschen, der sich selbst nicht für gut betrachtet?
    Ausgenommen natürlich diejenigen, die bereits abgestraft wurden.

    Wie stehts mit Ospel, Blocher oder Berlusconi?

  2. Gut
    Ich kenne diverse Personen die sich selbst nicht als gut betrachten. Interessanterweise sind dies alles Personen die im «gut-böse-durchschnitt» nicht auffallen.
    Wenn sich eine Person selbst als böse erlebt, kann man schon fast von einer psychischen Störung ausgehen. Wir müssen das was wir tun als Gut betrachten, ansonsten würden wirs mit uns selbst nicht aushalten.

  3. Mehr von Sam Harris
    Ein längerer Text, in dem er seinen Standpunkt aus dem TED-Video genauer erläutert:

    >Science and rationality generally are based on intuitions and concepts that cannot be reduced or justified. Just try defining “causation” in non-circular terms. If you manage it, I really want hear from you. Or try to justify transitivity in logic: if A = B and B = C, then A = C. A skeptic could say that this is nothing more than an assumption that we’ve built into the definition of “equality.” Others will be free to define “equality” differently. Yes, they will. And we will be free to call them “imbeciles.” Seen in this light, moral relativism should be no more tempting than physical, biological, mathematical, or logical relativism.
    >There are also very practical, moral concerns that follow from the glib idea that anyone is free to value anything—the most consequential being that it is precisely what allows highly educated, secular, and otherwise well-intentioned people to pause thoughtfully, and often interminably, before condemning practices like compulsory veiling, genital excision, bride-burning, forced marriage, and the other cheerful products of alternative “morality” found elsewhere in the world. (…) While much of this debate must be had in academic terms, this is not merely an academic debate. There are women and girls getting their faces burned off with acid at this moment for daring to learn to read, or for not consenting to marry men they have never met, or even for the crime of getting raped. Look into their eyes, and tell me that what has been done to them is the product of an alternative moral code every bit as authentic and philosophically justifiable as your own.
    > Moral relativism is clearly an attempt to pay intellectual reparations for the crimes of western colonialism, ethnocentrism, and racism. This is, I think, the only charitable thing to be said about it.

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