thierry henry – ein echter sportsmann

auch ich habe das hands von thierry henry kommentiert. aber was man sonst so im netz lesen konnte, war echt weit unter der gürtellinie. thierry henry wurde aufs derbste beschimpft. diverse leute forderten ein wiederholungsspiel, das es mit an sicherheit grenzender wahrscheinlichkeit nicht geben wird. mit dem folgenden statement stellt henry die sache klar und zeigt, dass er ein wahrer, fairer sportsmann ist. chapeau.

I have said at the time and I will say again that yes I handled the ball. I am not a cheat and never have been. It was an instinctive reaction to a ball that was coming extremely fast in a crowded penalty area. As a footballer you do not have the luxury of the television to slow the pace of the ball down 100 times to be able to make a conscious decision. People are viewing a slow motion version of what happened and not what I or any other footballer faces in the game. If people look at it in full speed you will see that it was an instinctive reaction. It is impossible to be anything other than that.

I have never denied that the ball was controlled with my hand. I told the Irish players, the referee and the media this after the game. Naturally I feel embarrassed at the way that we won and feel extremely sorry for the Irish who definitely deserve to be in South Africa.

Of course the fairest solution would be to replay the game, but it is not in my control. There is little more I can do apart from admit that the ball had contact with my hand leading up to our equalising goal and I feel very sorry for the Irish.

endlich: fabian lustenberger erhält nati-aufgebot

[bildquelle: keystone]

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