12 jahre in folge hat bruce nussbaum vom business week magazin am wef in davos teilgenommen. dieses jahr bleibt er zuhause. in seinem artikel erklärt er, weshalb der davos man eben nichts mehr zu sagen hat. schön, das wenigstens ein paar journalisten ihre lehren aus den beiden krisenjahren gezogen zu haben scheinen. die mehrheit scheint mir aber bereits längst wieder in die der-markt-regelt-das-schon-gläubigkeit verfallen zu sein. und ja, wenn’s der markt mal nicht regelt, schiesst der staat dann eben die milliarden gleich im dutzend ein.
[…] The Great Recession of the past two years is revealing that globalization, the economic ideology of Davos Man, was never more than a gloss over nascent nationalism. In the end, it is the nation-state and the local taxpayer that is saving the banks and businesses run by Davos Man from total destruction. The Great Recession is also showing that Chicago-School efficient market theory is as false an economic belief system for the global economy as it is for national policy. While globalization has clearly improved the lives of millions of Chinese, we can now see that it has also led to the immiseration of millions of middle class and poor Americans. The theory that efficient markets within a free trade system would benefit ALL participants is now proven wrong. […]
Alas, it’s too late. I went to the World Economic Forum for 12 years. I enjoyed the networking, the learning and the partying. But I won’t be going back to Davos next week. Davos Man has nothing left to say.
quelle: bruce nussbaum in der businessweek