Make it a little bit smarter

Anything that we think is stupid right now, we want to make it a little bit smarter. Evernote Business is aimed at making companies smarter. Meetings are a giant source of bad decisions and stupidity; meeting culture has become completely corrupted over the past 20 years, so we’re working on that.

Phil Libin, CEO von Evernote in einem Interview mit Wired.

Another way to think about it is session lengths. Microsoft Office was the definition of productivity for like 25 years. The average session length was probably an hour or two. You would sit down at your PC and you would like type stuff on Word or Excel. Then smartphones shrank the average session time to like two minutes, maybe five minutes. That’s part of why I think Microsoft is continuing to have a such a hard time getting into mobile, because it’s a fundamentally different way of thinking. “What can I do to be productive two minutes at a time?” It isn’t Office.


Over the next couple of years the different devices are going to shrink the average session times to seconds. So the session time for Glass is going to be a few seconds. The session time for your (smart) watch is going to be a glance, just like a second. You will have to come up with new use cases, new definitions of what it means to be productive. That is going to be just as different from mobile phones as mobile phones were over desktops.

Das ganze Interview bei Wired.

3 Antworten auf „Make it a little bit smarter“

  1. «What can I do to be productive two minutes at a time? (…) Over the next couple of years the different devices are going to shrink the average session times to seconds.»

    Was für ein dummer Artikel. So etwas dämliches hab ich schon lange nicht mehr gelesen.

  2. Ich nehme an, Dein Kommentar bezieht sich speziell auf die Geschichte mit der Session-Zeit, oder?

    Jep. Studien zeigen, dass Task Switches der grösste Produktivitätskiller sind. Jedes mal, wenn man von einer Aufgabe zu einer anderen wechselt, verliert man Zeit, bis das Hirn wieder auf die neue Aufgabe fokussiert ist. Je länger man sich einer spezifischen Aufgabe widmet, desto produktiver ist man:

    According to researchers Meyer, Evans and Rubinstein, there are two stages to the executive control process. The first stage is known as «goal shifting» (deciding to do one thing instead of another) and the second is known as «role activation» (changing from the rules for the previous task to rules for the new task).

    Switching between these may only add a time cost of just a few tenths of a second, but this can start to add up when people begin switching back and forth repeatedly.


    Meyer suggests that productivity can be reduced by as much as 40 percent by the mental blocks created when people switch tasks.


    In a recent study, a group of Microsoft workers took, on average, 15 minutes to return to serious mental tasks, like writing reports or computer code, after responding to incoming e-mail or instant messages.

    In einer Session-Zeit von nur noch Sekunden kann man schlicht nichts Produktives erreichen. Wer glaubt, dass das die Zukunft ist, sollte nicht CEO einer Firma sein, sondern arbeitslos.

    Die Zukunft sind nicht Systeme, die kürzere Session-Zeiten erlauben, sondern Systeme, die längere Session-Zeiten erlauben. Das ist vermutlich einer der Gründe für den Erfolg vom iPad: die Vollbildschirm-Programme verhindern, dass man (wie auf dem PC) dauernd von irgendwelchen anderen Programmen unterbrochen wird.

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